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Industry Survey: Time Sensitive Communications (TSC) Readiness in 5G

The 5G-MAG Workgroup Ecosystem and Regulation is conducting a survey to assess the industry's readiness for Time Sensitive Communications (TSC) in 5G solutions and networks.

This survey follows the 5G-MAG Report  "Time synchronization services for media production over 5G networks". which explored how timing information can be distributed to and accessed by any kind of connected devices.

The WG Ecosystem and Regulation aims to identify manufacturers, suppliers, and operators already implementing TSC capabilities to understand the compliance of these solutions with 3GPP standards and their potential for real-world deployments. The survey findings will be vital for evaluating the market's support for advanced features beyond basic connectivity and undertaking further actions to assess the actual performance of 3GPP systems in practical applications.

The survey is open for input until the end of May.

5G-MAG welcomes replies from the industry in the form below or via the following link:


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