5G-MAG members are invited to submit input on media-related use cases, services, applications, features and general views from 5G-MAG members towards the next generation of mobile connectivity, 6G.
Related information can be found in the slides presented under WG UC: UC0042.5G-MAG_Input_3GPP_SA1_6GWS_process_v001.pptx and in the notes of the initial session: 5G-MAG Members' Area - WI_010_3GPP_WS.
We have planned two workshops (on-line) for collecting inputs and discussion.
Workshop#1 is scheduled on the 12th March at 13:00 CET.
Workshop#2, for a second drop of inputs and refinement of the previously submitted is scheduled on the 26th March at 13:00 CET.
Please upload your inputs towards the two calls here: 5G-MAG Members' Area - WI_010_3GPPWS
EVENT: 6G Workshops - Media applications and services towards the next G
DATES: 12th and 26th March 2024
TIME: 13:00 to 15:00 CET
LINK TO WORKSHOP #1 (On-line): https://member.5g-mag.com/wg/GA/calendar/event/239/2024-03-12
LINK TO WORKSHOP #2 (On-line): https://member.5g-mag.com/wg/GA/calendar/event/240/2024-03-26
