This is a report produced by the 5G-MAG Workgroup UC (Use Cases, Requirements and Opportunities).
Current version of the report: v.1.0
Date of publication: 6th May 2024
Mobile broadband is used today to distribute traditional audiovisual services to smartphones, home routers or connected devices such as set-top boxes (STBs). This includes distribution of live and on-demand streaming services to apps and browsers, experienced in a two dimensional (2D) format with some degree of interactivity provided within them.
This report presents a collection of use cases and high-level architectures, along with an overview of high-level requirements for media services beyond 2D, while subsequent studies might focus on the extent to which 3GPP and other media-related specifications can support these use cases.
The primary scope of the present document is to provide:
An overview of the evolution of media services beyond 2D;
A collection of existing and future use cases and services;
A high-level perspective on architecture, features and requirements

5G-MAG welcomes feedback from the community to this document.
If you have comments on the report, please submit them using our GitHub repository for "Request for Feedback" https://github.com/5G-MAG/Requests-for-Feedback
5G-MAG members may take further actions on this document according to the comments received.
