The 5G-MAG Steering Group has approved a new Work Item on "Feasibility analysis of Audiovisual Production with 5G" which tasks will be carried out under the WG Content Production - Standards and Architectures, chaired by Thibaud Biatek (ATEME).
5G-MAG members have identified a series of technical features in the (Release 16 and beyond) 5G specifications applicable to audiovisual production scenarios, which results will be published shortly.
A new Work Item focuses now on:
how such features defined in the 3GPP specifications (Release 17 with an outlook on Release 18) can be implemented and configured in a real deployment,
the description of the architecture and deployment models
a feasibility analysis with regards to the identified KPIs, requirements and expectations.
an identification of any potential gap which may be fed back to 3GPP in the form of member contributions.
The principal topics covered by this WI are the following:
Device (UE) on-boarding and provisioning for 5G NPNs
Support of Time Sensitive Communications in 5G Systems
Interworking between 3GPP (NR) and non-3GPP access
Media Streaming architecture for Uplink Streaming applications
Architecture enablers for Edge computing applications
Support of low-latency applications in 5G networks
As concrete outcomes of the work, feedback to standardization bodies, implementation and deployment guidelines, profile specifications or software development, as applicable, are expected.
The work has been kicked-off by ATEME, HAIVISION/AVIWEST, SENNHEISER and SHURE. All 5G-MAG members are invited to contribute to the work item, which starts now and is expected to be carried out during 2023.