5G-MAG will be participating in the online webinar "5G and Broadcasting" at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum 2020.
Moderated by Dr. Péter Vári (NMHH), Dr. Jordi J. Gimenez (5G-MAG Project Manager), Mr. Parag Naik (Saankhya Labs), Mr Roberto Hirayama (ANATEL), Dr. Sung-Ik Park (ETRI) and Mr. Mohamed Aziz (R&S) will discuss about the role of 5G in media distribution.
Under the topic, "The combination of broadcast and broadband networks to the benefit of all", the main idea of this thematic event is to discuss the challenges and opportunities of the combination of these two key platforms, broadcast and broadband, in light of the new perspectives that 5G brings and the new innovative use cases and potential applications that can be delivered to users.
Mon, Aug 31, 2020 13:00 - 14:00 CEST
Registration and more information at: https://www.itu.int/net4/wsis/forum/2020/Agenda/Session/352