A 5G Broadcast signal was transmitted during the Eurovision Song Contest 2022 event live and in high quality from sites in 4 European cities simultaneously. At the time, only a select group of users with 5G Broadcast-enabled smartphones in Paris, Stuttgart, Turin, Vienna was able to see these transmissions. The aim is to change that, and to demonstrate, with those transmissions, the value this technology could bring to the media and millions of audience members.

5G Broadcast is a complementary distribution technology that can add value in a number of use-cases – one of which is access to live content for mass audiences on the go, with the possibility to receive free-to-air content even without a SIM card, no need to sign up to third-party services, and in a way that delivers efficiency gains for distribution infrastructures.
For the purposes of the 2022 ESC 5G Broadcast trials, the EBU and its Members SWR (Stuttgart), ORS Group (Vienna), France Télévisions (Paris) and RAI (Turin) teamed up with Eurovision services for the ESC signal logistics, Ateme for the encoding and streaming, Rohde & Schwarz for the transmission equipment, and Qualcomm for the prototype 5G Broadcast-compatible handsets.
• Ateme
• France Télévisions
• Qualcomm
• Rohde & Schwarz
Start Date and Duration
• April/May 2022
• Geneva
• Paris
• Stuttgart
• Turin
• Vienna
• 3GPP Release 16 feature set
Learn More...
First Multi-site 5G Broadcast trials deliver Eurovision Song Contest in Italy, Austria, France and Germany (EBU) - https://tech.ebu.ch/news/2022/05/first-multi-site-5g-broadcast-trials-deliver-eurovision-song-contest-in-italy-austria-france-and-germany
5G BROADCASTS OF THE EUROVISION SONG CONTEST – THE WHAT, HOW AND WHY - https://tech.ebu.ch/news/2022/05/5g-broadcasts-of-the-eurovision-song-content--the-what-how-and-why
ESC 2022, il 5G Broadcast al Museo della Radio e Tv della Rai (RAI) - https://www.rai.it/ufficiostampa/assets/template/us-articolo.html?ssiPath=/articoli/2022/05/ESC-2022-il-5G-Broadcast-al-Museo-della-Radio-e-Tv-della-Rai-abdff1be-7f1c-4ddd-9fd8-33cda7c61121-ssi.html
SWR beteiligt sich an europaweitem 5G Broadcast-Test beim Eurovision Song Contest (SWR) - https://www.swr.de/unternehmen/kommunikation/pressemeldungen/pressemeldung-5g-esc-100.html