5G-MAG held its fifth General Assembly at the premises of the EBU in Geneva last week. The meeting was an opportunity for members to meet in person and for chairs to explain the work carried out by members within their workgroups during last year.

In addition, demonstrators brought by HUAWEI and ATEME were deployed showing immersive experiences with spatial video and the delivery of VVC streams over multicast in mobile networks.
Recently elected WG Chairs
The General Assembly was also informed about the new 5G-MAG structure and welcomed the recently elected chairs:
WG Use Cases, Requirements and Opportunities, co-chaired by Roland Beutler (SWR) and Simon T. Jones (BT)
WG Content Production - Standards and Architectures, chaired by Thibaud Biatek (ATEME)
WG Content Distribution - Standards and Architectures, chaired by David Vargas (BBC)
WG Development and Implementation, coordinated by the Project Office
WG Ecosystem and Regulation, chaired by Prakash Moorut (SHURE)
WG Promotion and Communication, chaired by Victor Kueh (HUAWEI)
More information about our Workgroups can be found here: https://www.5g-mag.com/workgroups
5G Media Demonstrations: Volumetric Video and VVC over Multicast
The 5G-MAG members present in Geneva could also enjoy demonstrations on:
Volumetric Video and immersive experiences for viewers, brought by HUAWEI.
VVC (Versatile Video Coding) DASH streams over a multicast service running on a mobile network, brought by ATEME